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Benefits of Joining an IAQ Association

Updated October 28, 2021

HVAC professionals are joining IAQ associations in droves and it’s all about the benefits. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to make a difference in your industry. You can increase your ability to influence other people and get involved in important issues. The fact is, what you know and who you know can help you gain a competitive edge. Getting involved can be the difference between getting the position or job you want and not getting it. Truly, there’s so much value in joining an indoor air quality association.

Joining an IAQ association is one of the more important steps you can take on your path toward professional development. In this article, we spell out exactly how you can:

  • Stay current
  • Benefit your business
  • Join the top IAQ associations

So, with that said, let’s dive in!

Joining IAQ Associations Help You Stay Current

Your goal should always be to stay current and learn about upcoming trends in this dynamic industry. This helps you have that competitive edge we touched on earlier.

You will have access to the latest IAQ standards and news. IAQ associations work with many organizations to provide up-to-date information on the latest developments, best practices, and trends within the industry. Association members can then use that information to plan for their future renovations, projects, and general work.

Here are some of the items they can help you keep up-to-date on:

IAQ Standards

New research on the effects of poor IAQ continues to pour in. Similarly, there are strong calls from experts to regulate building IAQ the same way we regulate food. In other words, it’s only a matter of time before we see more IAQ standards proposed and passed.

IAQ Testing

When there are new IAQ testing materials or methods on the horizon, you can count on your association to share them with you.

IAQ Services

As the industry evolves, so will the types of IAQ services you can provide. Specifically, you’ll learn about new services you can provide to commercial and residential customers.

IAQ Products

In these days of constantly evolving technology and science, it’s important for you to know what’s new in the field. Keeping an eye on new developments is a great way for you to make sure your company stays relevant.

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How Can My HVAC Business Benefit From Joining IAQ Associations?

Becoming a member of one can help you take control of your own future. It’s often said that joining an association is one way to promote your business while growing it. You instantly have access to resources and people who will help expand your business, skills, and knowledge base.

Network with Other IAQ Professionals

Build relationships with other professionals and companies that could become longstanding partners or refer more work to you in the future.

Establish Relationships with Building Facility Managers

You’ll be in the same rooms with key decision-makers who are already concerned about IAQ. For example, building facility managers, school officials, and builders.

Connect with IAQ Manufacturers and Distributors

You’ll be rubbing shoulders with manufacturers and distributors in the IAQ industry. For this reason alone, you’ll have a unique opportunity to keep your business one step ahead of competitors by being first in line for any new products or technologies.

What IAQ Associations Should I Join?

Join an IAQ association that aligns with your goals. Above all, join one you want to actively participate in. Don’t join them just so you can add their logo to your site or get added to their directory. You get out what you put in. Being actively involved, and pursuing the continued education they provide, is the way. As a result, you can effectively:

  • Expand the capabilities of your staff members
  • Keep your company’s skills up to date
  • Create new business contacts through networking
  • Get access to amazing job opportunities and career advancement
  • Gain the exposure and recognition you deserve

We especially encourage you to check out 2 IAQ associations. Join at least one. Both, if you’re feeling ambitious:


One option is the IAQA, Indoor Air Quality Association. The IAQA supports and educates those committed to excellence in indoor air quality and sustainability. Founded in 1995, they provide a wealth of knowledge and information pertaining to indoor air quality. Also, they are affiliated with ASHRAE.

IAQ association members, between IAQA and ISIAQ


ISIAQ, International Society of IAQ and Climate, was founded in 1992 by 109 scientists dedicated to improving IAQ on a global scale. Many of the benefits are similar to IAQA. Additionally, they have an awesome career center where you can go find new opportunities.

Are You Ready to Join an IAQ Association?

In conclusion, it’s imperative that you join an IAQ association to stay current. IAQA and ISIAQ will help your business grow by providing access to educational events and forums where professionals can network about a variety of important topics. If you’re undecided, do this: Firstly, choose the one that has a chapter closest to you. If that’s not an issue, then choose the one that best aligns with your future goals.

Picture of Rob Ambrosetti

Rob Ambrosetti

KGG’s National Training Director and go-to IAQ expert. Rob is a council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant. He also holds Healthy Home Professional and HVAC Professional certifications from IAQA. Since joining KGG in 2018, Rob has focused on curriculum development and led KGG’s in-house training services. He is also the host of KGG’s industry podcast RepTalk.

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