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How Smart Builders Reduce Air Leakage in New Residential Homes

Updated February 25, 2023

Building a new home requires attention to detail and using quality construction materials. But none of that matter if you can’t control air leakage. It’s one of the most important aspects of the building process and the easiest to miss. We know you want to ensure the best living experience for your clients. Let’s explore how smart builders reduce air leakage in their new residential homes.

Fewer Penetrations in the House Membrane, Less Air Leakage

The first step in reducing air leakage is to limit the number of penetrations, or openings, in the structure of your building envelope. Most of these penetrations are unavoidable – doors, windows, exhaust fans, and other mechanical equipment. By limiting these openings, you can dramatically reduce the amount of air that enters or exits the new home.

But there is a new way to limit the number of penetrations needed for registers, grilles, and recessed lights. It works by combining an HVAC vent and LED light into one fixture. For every Comfy-Light installed, builders can eliminate two penetrations.

Air Sealing and Insulation for New Home Construction

The second step in reducing air leakage is to properly seal and insulate any penetrations that do exist. The most significant air leaks can be found in either the basement or attic.

Air sealing involves using caulk or spray foam insulation to fill any gaps between components such as window frames and walls. This ensures that no air can enter or escape through these small spaces. Insulation also helps prevent air leakage by providing an extra layer between your indoor and outdoor environments.

Residential Air Leakage Testing and Verification

Once all of the necessary steps have been taken to reduce air leakage, it’s important to test and verify that your building envelope meets code. This may involve using specialized equipment such as blower door tests or infrared cameras to detect any areas where there are leaks or deficiencies in insulation levels.

Comfy-Light can help your new residential build pass the blower door test.

It’s also important to inspect the area around plumbing fixtures and other mechanical systems for any possible gaps or cracks that could be allowing air into your home’s interior space. Once all issues have been addressed, you can rest assured knowing that your building envelope has been sealed correctly and is performing optimally!

Reducing air leakage in new residential homes is an essential part of constructing a safe and comfortable living environment for your clients. By using:

  • New products like Comfy-Light’s air and light in one fixture
  • Limiting the number of penetrations
  • Properly sealing penetrations with caulk/spray foam insulation
  • Verifying performance with testing tools like blower door tests or infrared cameras

… you can ensure that every home you build is done right the first time. Taking these steps will not only provide peace of mind but will also save you lots of money on labor costs and expensive callbacks.

Picture of Joseph Gavica

Joseph Gavica

Joseph is KGG’s Content Strategist and a part of our digital services team. Joseph joined KGG in 2020, which would prove to be a pivotal year for the HVAC and IAQ industry. His expertise and focus are in ensuring that the right information reaches the right people. Joseph graduated from California State University Fullerton with a degree in Public Relations and Image Management. Learn more about how we approach HVAC Content Marketing and SEO for HVAC Businesses.

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